Housing and Dietary Accommodations

The residence life experience at Centre is all about making students feel at home with appropriate accommodations for specific needs.

Students with a documented disability requiring special housing or dietary considerations should request a confidential Disability Documentation/Special Housing Request Form by contacting the Associate Director of Residence Life at access@soadonefnet.com. This form requires specific documentation from the student and the student’s clinician in order to be considered. On the basis of this form and appropriate, current documentation, the Associate Director of Residence Life speaks with the student, determines appropriate services and accommodations, and contacts relevant staff. Students with documented disabilities are given preference for first floor rooms in specific residence halls on campus.

Service and Emotional Support Animals

Students interested in living with an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) in campus housing should make a special housing request as soon as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days prior to the desired move-in date, by contacting the Associate Director of Residence at access@soadonefnet.com to receive a confidential Diagnosing Clinician Form for Request for ESA.

Service and Emotional Support Animals Policy

Consideration of special housing accommodations may take several weeks to process so advanced notice and attention to deadlines is a necessity.

Request Accessibility Services at Centre

Housing and Dietary Information